Vote Out Annette Johnson
Annette Johnson has filed her paperwork to run for a third term on the East Aurora School District 131 Board of Education. Johnson has served on the East Aurora board since 2009. She
served as board president from 2010 to 2014, then from 2015 to present.
During that time, Johnson has been described as “outspoken” and “controversial”. These are terms Johnson embraces, and she has used them to describe herself during board meetings.
While there is some accuracy to these descriptors, they fall short of the truth. The truth is that Annette Johnson has been a destabilizing force in the district for nearly all of her eight years on the Board.
Annette Johnson’s unsteady, erratic leadership has damaged the district’s reputation in the community, decreased transparency, cost taxpayers money, and undermined the leadership in the district.
Among the main concerns:
- Despite pledges to watch every penny, Annette Johnson’s actions have needlessly cost the district thousands of dollars.
- Annette Johnson’s demeanor does not fit the board for a school district. Her behavior would be called bullying in the classrooms she was elected to represent.
- Annette Johnson is not transparent.
We will share the facts behind these statements, as well as
other concerns, in the coming months.
When a Board members is sworn in, they take an oath. They promise:
When a Board members is sworn in, they take an oath. They promise:
- I shall respect taxpayer interests by serving as a faithful protector of the School District’s assets;
- I shall encourage and respect the free expression of opinion by my fellow Board members and others who seek a hearing before the Board, while respecting the privacy of students and employees;
- I shall recognize that a Board member has no legal authority as an individual and that decisions can be made only by a majority vote at a public Board meeting;
- and I shall abide by majority decisions of the Board, while retaining the right to seek changes in such decisions through ethical and constructive channels.
Annette Johnson has repeatedly violated that oath, which she
has taken twice and hopes to take again in April.
We will not endorse any candidates in the April 4 election for the East Aurora School District 131 Board of Education. We won’t tell you who to vote for. We are only here to make a case that you should not vote for Annette Johnson. We wish her well in her personal and professional life. We hope she is successful in whatever she chooses after being a school board member. But East Aurora is a great district and she is not a worthy leader. She should not be in a position to make decisions that affect the lives of more than 15,000 young people.
Don’t vote for Annette Johnson.
Starting soon, and then over the next several weeks, we’ll outline the reasons we consider her unfit to lead.
Meanwhile: Have an idea, suggestion, or a tip? Email us at